This is a digital-blog-diary i've been thinking for so long, a diary that i would like to record the growing paths of my three childrens. Some simple photos, videos and writings that can let me pen down all their growing up stories while i am on my move with mobile phone, while i am waiting, idling in the traffic jam ...
Do i know how busy me were for the last two weeks at least? I take a look at the calender, it stop at 17th May and we dun even realise and bother, with a fish cut out by Xuan at nursery hanging on it.
Xuan basically very slow hot! And very cautious on every new thing. But once familiar, hard to get her leave also. Ern also follow her sis, and more daring too.
We are waiting for mama, she still in off. She is the fourth that got spread with red eye virus after ken ken ko ko. Still go work coz got AGM meeting today.
Her uncle, Ken is so envy about becoming a firefighter with the influence of Hong Kong drama. Prior to this he like to become a policeman. Children nowadays are very fast adapting with influence!
High fever and infection, start from eye and throat! High fever keep coming back even after medicine! Up n down, 39 and 36, tried all ways to bring the fever down the whole week. At last, it was under control else, the hospital will be full of Xuan's screaming!